Coinbase® Extension

Setting Up Coinbase Wallet Browser Extension: Install the Extension: Open your web browser (e.g., Chrome or Firefox). Visit the official extension store for your browser (Chrome Web Store for Chrome,

Setting Up Coinbase Wallet Browser Extension:

  1. Install the Extension:

    • Open your web browser (e.g., Chrome or Firefox).

    • Visit the official extension store for your browser (Chrome Web Store for Chrome, Add-ons for Firefox).

    • Search for "Coinbase Wallet" in the store's search bar.

    • Locate the official Coinbase Wallet extension and click on "Add" or "Install" to add it to your browser.

  2. Open the Extension:

    • After installation, you should see the Coinbase Wallet icon in your browser toolbar.

    • Click on the Coinbase Wallet icon to open the extension.

  3. Create a New Wallet or Restore:

    • If you don't have a Coinbase Wallet, you may be prompted to create a new one. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your new wallet.

    • If you already have a Coinbase Wallet or a recovery phrase, there might be an option to restore your wallet. Follow the provided steps to restore your wallet.

  4. Secure Your Wallet:

    • Set a strong and secure password for your Coinbase Wallet.

    • If applicable, store your wallet recovery phrase securely. This recovery phrase is crucial for recovering your wallet in case you forget your password or lose access.

  5. Explore Features:

    • Familiarize yourself with the features of the Coinbase Wallet extension. This may include managing your cryptocurrency assets, exploring decentralized applications (DApps), and accessing various functionalities.

  6. Security Recommendations:

    • Always download extensions from official and trusted sources to avoid potential security risks.

    • Use a unique and strong password for your wallet.

    • Enable any additional security features provided by the Coinbase Wallet extension, such as two-factor authentication if available.

  7. Keep Software Updated:

    • Ensure that both your browser and the Coinbase Wallet extension are kept up to date to benefit from the latest security patches and features.

Please remember that the steps mentioned here are general guidelines, and the actual process may vary. Refer to the latest Coinbase Wallet documentation or support resources for the most accurate and updated information. If you encounter any issues or have specific questions, reaching out to Coinbase support is recommended.

Last updated